„Seeing people laugh is what gives me the most joy.“
Peter Martin

Mali Martin Care – Help for children and youths around the world

Mali Martin Care was founded by Peter Martin with the aim of providing aid to people in need in an unbureaucratic way.
Inspired by the concept of providing aid unburdened by administrative overheads, numerous people have supported us enabling Mali Martin Care to implement global projects funding children’s homes and social welfare facilities around the world.


Lar do Menor (Brazil)
Lar do Menor is a home for children and youths aged between 2 and 18 years. It is situated in Carapicuiba in Sao Paulo, Brazil, an area known for its many destitute children and adolescents. Lar do Menor is home to between 25 and 30 children and adolescents. Besides giving some a permanent roof over their head, the home also offers a wide range of physical and musical activities, as well as psychological care and support. The home was established in 1977 and since 2002 has received backing to the sum of over 600,000 euros from the charitable organisation Mali Martin Care e.V.

Centro Social (Brazil)
Centro Social is a youth centre in Itamarandiba, Minas Gerais, and was born of an initiative of Peter Martin and was built solely on funding from Mali Martin Care e.V. The youth centre was built for poor children and youths and offers sports and playing fields, children's playgrounds, a library, canteen, handicrafts, arts & crafts, drama groups, a children's choir, sewing classes and after-school tutoring.
Centro Social is now used by around 700 children and youths. Established in 2005, the centre has received funding totalling over 1.1 million euros to cover its costs, including the initial construction costs. Further information can be found at www.csmm.org.br.

Our projects in Brazil to date
The following are some of the facilities funded by Mali Martin Care e.V. in Brazil:

Asilo Mali Martin / Itamarandiba / Minas Gerais
The Asilo Mali Martin is fully financed by Mali Martin Care e.V. Approximately 50 severely disabled men and women are cared for here.

Lar do Menor Carapicuíba / Sao Paolo
This facility houses approximately 40 boys between the ages of 3 and 18 years. The project is co-funded by C&A Brenninkmeier.

Casa do Menor "Casa Grossari" Dona Hermina / Sao Paolo
A home for around 80 boys and girls aged up to 18 years.

Lar Voluntários do Amor Pastor Afonso / Don Afonso Children’s Home, Sao Paolo
This facility accommodates approximately 60 children aged up to 20 years.

Cruzeiro Football Club in Itamarandiba
This project enables children in need to participate in football training and lessons at the largest football club in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.

Day nurseries project in Itamarandiba / Minas Gerais
This project provides day care for approximately 35 boys and girls.

Centro Social Mali Martin / Itamarandiba / Minas Gerais
The Centro Social Mali Martin Youth Centre in Itamarandiba is full financed by Mali Martin Care e.V. To date, more than 3,050 applications have been received for courses in English, Spanish, IT and home economics. The centre has its own library.
This is the showcase project and is leading edge for the state of Minas Gerais. Total costs for the Centro Social Mali Martin amount to approximately 1 million euros. The land, which is around 38,000 m², is owned by a Christian association.